Sunday, February 21, 2010

Unhealthy Cooking

So my dad's funding was "misplaced" or some BS like that so he was home for about a week, week and a half. Talk about unhealthy cooking! Worst part, my unemployment is frozen since I started school, so I don't have much of a choice in what I can eat right now. Beef, almost every friggin day, I actually didn't eat for a day or so because just the smell of beef was actually making me nauseous, I don't like eating it more then once a week. And he is a MASSIVE bread eater. I wasn't going in the kitchen after awhile, because god only knows what he touched after he got the bread, and THEN got stuff out of the fridge. Yes you have to be that careful with me and my mother. After awhile you get annoyed following someone around with a bleach bottle. He returned to work this past Monday or Tuesday and my intestines still hate me. On the plus side tho, Danny also wants to start eating healthier so there are now some better options then sausage and peppers, which aren't to bad once in awhile but everyday, my body hates me lol. I did do that work out video (so far only once) and it kicked my ass! I loved it! It's the jillian michaels 30 day shred, and me and danny made a packed to use the free gym at school on mondays and wensdays during our lunch break. I think the last time I went into a gym was weight room in high school.
By the way did I mention that I love school?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

busy busy busy

So I finally started school. 4 classes. Reading, writing, math, and psyc. I think this is the most homework I have ever had in my life lol.

So first thing I did when I got on campus was check out the cafeteria. Not Gluten intolerant friendly at all. I knew I was going to bring lunch with me but I wanted to know if I forgot it one day, (cuz I'm a very forgetful person) that I would still have an option if necessary. Unless I want a bag of chips I'm screwed. But they do have dunkin donuts coffee, so that's a plus in my book.

On a better note I have dropped 10lbs! I also picked up a new workout DVD that I'm going to try out tomorrow. I have been walking as much as I can, parking at the far side of the buildings, if any of you go to SCCC on top of cardiac hill is where you will find my car. Yes I do it on purpose. On my day's off I have been using the treadmill but I feel like I need something else to go with it. Weights help but they get boring to me after awhile.

I promise I'll update more soon, but of course I must get back to studying :-)