Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First day for everything!

Let's start at the very beginning shall we?

So it's 2005, I graduate high school, I have a job I start working basically full time at, then i get promoted. Everything seems to be going good in my life, except that i was 250lbs. I was always a big girl, but I decided to put my foot down. It had to come off it had to go away. So me and my mother start a whole wheat diet.
About a year and a half maybe two after we started, all we were doing was trying to get healthy, right? After mom's countless visits to the ER and doctors and pain medication (I have a higher tolerance for pain, and had no health insurance, so she was the guinea pig). The numbers were going down but my pant's were growing in size. I just kept thinking what the hell is going on? After mom being told it's cyst's that's why your having so much pain (the cysts are on the RIGHT SIDE the pain was always LEFT). My mother went to the doctor (after almost 2 years of testing) who walked in with a 5 minute diagnostic book (she was so very very pissed) we find out that we have Celiac's disease.

Celiac's disease is when you lack the ability to process wheat and gluten. Which was our diet at the time. Figures we were trying to get healthy and we ended up doing more damage then good right?

So jump to today, 2010, it's been about 3 years maybe 4 since we found out. The initial change was hard, and I mean HARD. Being Italian and not being able to eat pizza? Or pasta? Or cake? Or fresh warm baked Italian bread? We lived on chicken, rice, and dark chocolate for the first 6 months. I mean don't get me wrong i didn't mind eating a pound of chocolate a day (I know it sounds gross but when you can't have cake or brownies it's god) I dropped over a hundred pounds! Just flew off! Like BAM out the door. Now i'm 23 unemployed and the weight has started to creep back on. With new improvements in gluten free food, can have pasta again and cakes and brownies and everything i used to live on because it was cheap and affordable. The gluten free versions are about 2-3 times the amount but when you want cake you'll scrounge up the change to get it. Now i have gained 30-40 pounds back. I'm going back to strict but different "lifestyle" because that's what this is. It's not a diet, it's not something i can stop once i've hit a "goal weight" it's something that is medically necessary for me to live. So i'm going to be trying new recipes and modifying old ones that you would get out of a cookbook (i have alot of French cook books) So if you feel like taking this ride with me tune in every now and then if not, It was nice of you to at lest read all of this. :-)

p.s. I'm eatting my last gluten-free stromboli for at lest the next 3 months... I think that's a good gap for something that's about 800 calories for every 4 bites right?

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